SEGFA Scholarship Application

2025 Bonnie Price Holloman Scholarship Application

What is the sponsor's relationship to the applicant?
minimum 2.5 GPA required
Who should we contact at your school? (school address & department where scholarship check should be mailed)

What are some of the goals and objectives that you expect to achieve in the next 2-3 years?

What are your career ambitions?

How would your friends describe you?

What other scholarships are you receiving now?

Why should we consider you for this scholarship?

Everyone has successes in life and along with our successes come challenges. What would you consider your big-gest challenge in life and what have you learned from the challenge and how would you change it for the future?

WRITE AN ESSAY NO LESS THAN 350 WORDS AND NO MORE THAN 700 WORDS ON A TOPIC OF YOUR CHOICE. The essay should be an original composition written exclusively for entry in the Southeastern Grain & Feed Association Scholarship Program